Monday, September 10, 2012

 The Cookman

Workout of the day

Monday 10th September

Front Squat
5 x 5


  1. Cookie: now how is that fair. First photo on the blog for months and it is one where I was massively hung over and clearly in need of medical assistance. Even so I was still bringing the heat!!

  2. you were very seedy that day :)

  3. Cookie: Indeed Caz I was in a world of hurt but struggled through to support the 2600 crew. I'm a giver!

  4. Dim: Cookie is actually doing a muscle up whilst sleeping, I rekon he could beat Roachie now for Max muscle ups.

  5. Cookie: Thanks Dim and it is true Roachie has been ducking me, but I think when I can do as many muscle ups in a year that Roachie does in one WOD then make him do them one handed holdin a 24kg Kettlebell with his teeth I might have a fifty fifty chance of winning

  6. Cookie is the official DJ of 2600, any requests for tunes see the Cookman. His wife Netski is the official time sheriff of 2600, if your late to class and she's in that class your gonski, ask Tess, copped 36 burpees for 3 mins late. Tough love Netski I like it.

  7. Cookie you are one hot specimen!!! What on earth made me think I needed to see Chad in the flesh when we have studs like you at 2600?! I've now seen the error of my ways - I won't wander again :-)

  8. he looks a bit like Chad - if you close one eye

  9. If I close both eyes he looks a lot like Chad :-)

    1. Cookie: there is something about glass houses and stones that springs to mind here Snipes

  10. Cookie: Cream Puff ain't got nothing on the Cookman. My milkshakes bring all the girls to the yard !
