Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Charles Moses Stadium

Workout of the day

Tuesday 31st May

5 x 5

Monday, May 30, 2011

Workout of the day

Monday 30th May

For time:
1km Run
30 HandstandPushups
1km Row

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Strawberry Scorpian, Lyle Lovett, Ginger Elvis we miss you mate.

Workout of the day

Thursday 26th May

AMRAP 15 mins:
20 Kettlebell Swings (32kg/24kg)
15 Wallball (9kg/6kg)
10 Chest To Bar Pullups

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

WED 25/5/2011
Strict Press 5 x 1

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Workout of the day

Tuesday 24th May

For time:
60 Power Cleans (40kg/30kg)
5 Pullups/5 squats evertime hands come off the bar

MONDAY 23/5/2011
Front Squat 5 x 1

Sunday, May 22, 2011

When a Muscleup goes pearshaped

Workout of the day

Saturday 21st May

Thrusters (30kg/20kg)
Situps (10kg/5kg)
Hang Powerr Clean (30kg/20kg)
Double Unders

Friday, May 20, 2011

Megs-Ready for regionals

Workout of the day

Friday 20th May

Shoulder Press
5 x 3

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Big Mike-ready for regionals

Workout of the day

Thursday 19th May

“Holy Trinity”
Power Snatch (60kg/40kg)
Overhead Squat (60kg/40kg)
Thrusters (60kg/40kg)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Big Johno - Little Steff

Workout of the day

Wednesday 18th May

For time:
40 Burpees
Run 1200m
Row 400m
40 Ring Dips

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Thursday 12th May

For time:
Snatch (50kg/30kg)
Back Extension
Hand Release Push-ups

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Workout of the day

Wednesday 11th May

For time:
50 Burpees
40 Cleans (30kg/20kg)
30 Push Presses (30kg/20kg)
40 Pullups
50 GHD Situps

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Cafe EQ opens this thursday!!! Wal is the man running the operation, get excited team.

Workout of the day

Tuesday 10th May

Front Squat
5 x 5

Monday, May 9, 2011

Big Mark

Workout of the day

Monday 9th May

5 rounds for time:
10 Handstand Push-ups
20 Toes to Bar

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Chrissy Pitts Wrap-Up of Masters Competition at CrossFit Active in Sydney

Date: 1 May 2011; Location: Waverly Sydney; Box: CrossFit Active
Reason: Bunch of fossils at “Active at any age” Masters Comp.
Mission: Have some fun, meet some other masters and compare! Also represent CrossFit 2600 and did I mention have some fun?

Fossils: Chris “Chrissie” Pitt – Masters women 50+ and Andrew “Sykesy” Sykes - Masters men 40-49

Welcomed by Luke, Adam and Chad CrossFit Active Owners – and there are the WODs. I got one of the WoDs right – the old deadlift, hang power clean, press combo (10min AMRAP). Last time I did this I used 20kg but with 35kg this might hurt. Hmmm next one looks interesting 2min AMRAP KB of own weight choice, 10 burpee/10kg plate 200m carry by 3 then another 2 mins KB AMRAP same weight. Third doesn’t look too bad – 7 min AMRAP 7 box jumps/7 thrusters 30kg. Have strategy for first WOD, second looks OK (SORT OF NOT REALLY) and third need to think about. Take deep breath and prioritise – coffee!!!!

Time has come to start the comp – 2 x 40-49 heats, 1 women 50+ and 1 men 50+. Good, we get to watch for tactics. Look to be spread out well so recovery should be possible. Before I know it I’m chalking the hands and trying to recall how to do this one. Use the last dead as possie for first hang p’clean likewise to press. Well that works for the first 7 minutes now I’m starting to feel the weight – break it up 8 dead, rest, dead, hang clean wow has the clock gone into slow-motion? Seems like only a short while and we’re into the next WOD. I’ve tried for strategy – look for reps at reasonable weight. Hello burpees my old friend and I hate plate runs (note to self yet another thing to get on top of) – thanks to coaching during this one - and back to kettlebell. Wow my forearms are busted! Physio on sight had knots worked on and trendy magic blue tape. Andy meanwhile has done really well and is pacing himself nicely!

Bit of a break now with “spectator wod” – 60 clean and jerk team event for time. Some very very strong men here – Chad and Luke from CrossFit Active use 70kg and make it look dead easy in short time. Before you know it, it’s our WOD 3! Andy goes first – noting that the boys used the girls height box! And suddenly it’s me again. How long can 7 minutes go? The answer – a really, really long time. I decided to use the Sniper attack and squat clean for the first thruster – hell I’ve done 20kg before what’s another 10kg! Somewhat surprised this worked – still need to work on mental state for the press on the rest – hold bar to chest until last possible (practise Chrissie). I ran out of steam at about 6 mins – step ups instead of jumps and dreading having to pick the bar up again but I did and squeezed another 6-7 reps in. Every rep counts J

Slight scoring mix-up and my decision to RX means I get a place! Andy comes second and I come second (but really third). My first ever in my entire 51 years of life sporting award for a competition. Who says age is a barrier?

So reflections, 3 WODS in less than 5 hours was pretty demanding and I need to get the energy sources sorted out. There were lots of hugs, new friends made and the agreement that this was a great event before heading homewards and a Radox bath. And I did it without scaling !!!!!! – maybe a bit slow but I did each WOD prescribed and I am so rapt with that. Now to get some movement back into the traps - where’s that hockey ball... when’s the next comp?

Cheers Chris

Friday, May 6, 2011

Big Mike

Workout of the day

Friday 6th May

5 rounds for time:
1 minute max deadlifts (100kg/70kg) then…
10 Burpees
10 Kettlebell Swings (32kg/24kg)

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Workout of the day

Thursday 5th May

20 minute AMRAP:
10 Strict Press (30kg/20kg)
20 Wallballs (9kg/6kg)
30 Hang Cleans (30kg/20kg)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Green Hornet

Workout of the day

Wednesday 4th May

For time:
Run 800m
21 Pullups
20 Thrusters (60kg/40kg)
21 Pullups
Run 800m

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Monday, May 2, 2011

Congrats to Chrissy Pitt and Sykesy who travelled to CrossFit Active on the North Shore and both took second place in the over 40's competition. Awesome work guys!
Sniper-Head shining mouth agape, post away boys.

Workout of the day

Monday 2nd May

AMRAP in 12 minutes:
400m Row
5 Overhead Squats (60kg/40kg)
10 Ring Dips