Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Weekly Blog

We often get asked the question “Which classes should I do?” This question will depend on firstly your training goals and secondly on factors such as lifestyle, work, family and time constraints. We offer Tier 1 and 2, Basic, Express, Olympic Lifting, Gymnastics and Mobility Classes so the options are varied and need to be matched to YOUR goals in order to be successful.

When I first discovered CrossFit I had finished playing Rugby Union a few years earlier, had 4 operations in 4 years and moved like the tinman. My movement was restricted at best and I realised a truckload of machine and free weights training at Fitness First probably wasn’t a long term solution, it was making the problem worse.  Enter my introduction to CrossFit and Mobility training and I had found a vehicle to improve my movement. CrossFit as we know is a movement based program and improving my movement was the goal in the first 18 months. 

18months in and having fixed most of my movement restrictions the competitive bug kicked in and the goal changed to competing in the Sport of CrossFit. With the change of goal up ramped the training in both class numbers and specialty classes, predominantly adding in the Olympic Lifting and Gymnastics Class, still with a major focus on mobility.  

In 2014 my training goal changed from the sport of CrossFit to general CrossFit fitness. My lifestyle had changed with a young family, growing business and love of the bush all fighting for time in my week. I went from 12hrs a week training to a maximum of 4. I train both Tier 1 Monday and Wednesday Strength Classes, a Metcon on Tuesdays and an Express class on a Wednesday. The weekend generally involves some form of outdoor exercise.  This split is giving me a good balance for my goal. I may not be hitting PBs every month but I’m also not falling asleep playing with my kids, and most importantly I’m enjoying my training which is what it’s all about!!!

Working out what your training goals are and choosing the right classes to achieve those goals is important. We want you getting the most out of your time in the gym, we know it’s limited so chat to a coach today and plan your training week! JB

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